Saturday, February 04, 2006

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

The Good - Reviews are still coming in for No Law Against Love. The latest is from Romance At Heart eZine, which had something great to say about each of the stories. Reviewer Linda had this to say about yours truly --

Tutti-Frutti is a special love story filled with romance between two people that is so unique in its own way. A little ice cream with no spoons could turn out delightfully wicked with that one special person. Ms. Shortland crafts an adorable little romance! It had a certain flare to it with the slippers and such a zany day, quite uplifting!

Dude Looks Like A Lady is a read where the characters and the settings are all quite believable. The storyline is great making it a fantastic read about romance that last throughout many years. Ms. Shortland has penned a story that touches the heart and leaves a wonderful sigh.

I can't tell you how thrilled I was when I read these reviews. They're my first reviews, so it made me feel great about my writing ability. Reviews can be heaven or hell for a writer. A good review can make you soar. A bad review is like a rejection from an editor or agent and send you into the pits of depression that lasts for days. So getting good reviews on my first publishing efforts has me soaring, as you can imagine.

The Bad - The printer is having issues with formatting. No Law Against Love was supposed to be available at the end of January, then it was pushed forward a week. Now the publication date is pushed forward until next week. I wish I could say I have a date, but I don't. We're all still hoping it will be available by Valentine's Day.

The Ugly - Well, this is what the authors and the publisher will get if the printer doesn't perform soon. ;-) At least the eversion will be available soon, and reviews are still coming in.

You can still place preorders through Amazon. B&N took the preorder option down thanks to the tardy printer, but you can still put No Law Against Love on your wish list there.. And you can always place your orders with the publisher, Highland Press.

In the meantime, I'm working on a new short story for Highland Press's next anthology called Blue Moon. If things get worked out with the printer, the Blue Moon anthology should be available around June or July. This is a straight romance, no silly laws, and is entitled All Time Love, which is enspired by a new song of the same title by Will Young. It's a lovely song and I'm hoping readers will think the story is too.

I'm also working on another silly laws short story for No Law Against Love 2, which will be released around this time next year. This story is called Dancing in the Moonlight and will be set in Seattle, WA this time.

I'm also still working on The Diary, a chapter of which can be read on this site. This is my full-length historical set in Ireland.

Bookmark my site and check back often for updates on the publication of No Law Against Love. We're pushing for publishing early this weeks so that it's available for Valentine's Day. Cross your fingers for us, light some candles, say a prayer...everything will help ;-)

~ Kemberlee