Friday, January 27, 2006


First and update about distribution - "No Law Against Love" went on pre-order on 9 Janaury and was intended to go to post on the 28th. However, there was a problem at the printer and now the book will go to post on 4 February. Anyone who's pre-ordered their books by then, should see them delivered before Valentine's Day.

Another note - "No Law Against Love" will also be available in electronic download from Highland Press, AND they're putting together a large print version for those with eyesight issues. Just contact the publisher if you're interested in a large print version.

Now, for some exciting news. "No Law Against Love" is getting some great press. Highland Press's owner, Leanne Burroughs, has been interviewed by her local newspaper, High Spring Herald in Florida. I encourage everyone to read it.

Additionally, the Lake City Reporter, also in Florida, interviewed contributing authors Jeanne VanArsdall and Patty Howell. Unfortunately, I don't have a link for the article, but the jounralist, Lindsay Dawney, began her report with, "Two Columbia County writers are breaking the laws of love and fighting breast cancer along the way."

The Owyhee Avalanche newspaper in Idaho published a short article on author Jacquie Rogers, who once lived in the state. Her daughter, dubbed "Hurricane Mercedes," has been acting as mom's press agent :-) Go, Mercedes!! Jacquie is also mentioned on the Golden Network, an international chapter of RWA.

Historical Novel Society did a brief write up, as has Central Florida Romance Writers, Home News Tribune in New Jersey, and Huntress Reviews has given us our first amazing review. AND Kristi Ahlers has been interviewed by Stars & Stripes, which should be available soon.

This has all been a great learning experience for us all, especially in publicity, marketing and simply putting ourselves forward to tell everyone we can about "No Law Against Love," our stories and the charity, breast cancer prevention.

"No Law Against Love" is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, by special order through your local bookstore, and of course through Highland Press directly.

Finally, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you and give my deepest appreciation to all of you who've ordered this book...for yourself or for a loved one. All author royalties and all publisher net profits on "No Law Against Love" are going to the American Cancer Society for their breast cancer prevention program.

Now...BUY THE BOOK! :-)
Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Highland Press

~ Kemberlee